俄勒冈市学区致力于为所有学生提供平等的教育机会和安全的学习环境, 教师, 和工作人员. 我们的 政策 反对一切形式的歧视是明确的,可以在我们的政策数据库中找到.
Any form of discrimination based on race, color, 性别, 性别认同, sexual orientation, 宗教, 国家的起源, 残疾 or any other category protected by state or federal law is not tolerated. OCSD will promptly report, investigate and respond to all allegations of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, to the fullest extent possible and take appropriate disciplinary, 纠正, 以及必要的补救措施,以确保为所有学校社区成员提供安全和公平的学习和工作环境. 在适当情况下,本署亦会向有关当局报告这类事件,并与受影响的社区分享主要事件和模式.
What is an incident of discrimination or bias?
A bias incident is a person’s hostile expression toward another person, relating to the other person’s perceived race, color, 宗教, 性别认同, 性别 expression, sexual orientation, 残疾, or 国家的起源. Bias incidents may include derogatory language or behavior.
任何时候,我们社区的一个成员受到不同的对待或处于不利地位,因为他们的身份的某一方面使他们处于受保护的阶层, it may be an incident of discrimination or bias. Discrimination might take the form of subtle bias, hateful speech in the form of insults or epithets, or ongoing harassment or retaliation for a past event or report. Some incidents of bullying, or repeated targeting of another person in an unwanted manner, may also be acts of discrimination. 出于偏见的犯罪行为可被视为仇恨犯罪,并可能涉及额外的法律后果.
词汇和表达对于我们学校的教育目标和过程至关重要, and students are expected to build their ability to express their opinions, 说服他人, and learn from others through debate and discussion. 但我们也明白,语言可以表现出偏见,体现仇恨,并造成伤害.
When incidents of possible discrimination or bias do occur, 我们承诺进行全面调查,以确定造成了什么伤害, how it can be fully addressed, and ways in which it can be prevented from occurring again.
What is a Symbol of Hate?
Specifically prohibited symbols of hate are nooses, symbols of neo-Nazi ideology, or the battle flag of the Confederacy. A symbol of hate can also be a symbol, 图像, or object that expresses hostility on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 性别认同, 性别 expression, sexual orientation, 残疾, or 国家的起源.
Why is it Important to Report Bias?
Reporting bias incidents that target students, 管理员, 教师, or staff will inform OCSD authority and provide support, 干预, and education to those involved. 偏见事件报告表格旨在收集证词和数据,提供相关的专业发展机会,以改善GAPS地区文化和学校社区. 这个表格是一个受影响的学生和家庭可以记录他们在学区学习空间遇到的问题的地方, 属性, programs and events.
Reporting a Biased Incident (ACB-AR)
当工作人员得知潜在的偏见事件或显示仇恨的象征时, 工作人员应优先考虑所有受影响人员的安全和福祉,并及时向大楼或项目管理员报告事件.
管理员应确认收到投诉并调查任何有关偏见事件的投诉. The administrator will recognize the experience of all persons impacted, acknowledge the impact, commit to taking immediate action, 并承诺防止对受影响者的进一步伤害. Educational components and redirection procedures, if any, will:
Address the history and impact of bias and hate;
Advance the safety and healing of those impacted by bias and hate;
Promote accountability and transformation for people who cause harm; and
Promote transformation of the conditions that perpetuated the harm.
行政人员必须考虑该行为是否涉及其他地区政策或民权法律, 如果是这样的话, respond accordingly2.
The administrator will make a decision within 10 days of receiving the complaint.
所有受该法案影响的人都将获得有关调查和调查结果的信息, 包括:
Notice that an investigation has been initiated;
Notice when an investigation has been completed;
Findings of the investigation and the final determination based on those findings;
Actions taken to remedy a person’s behavior and prevent reoccurrence; and
当可适用, 禁止披露上述任何信息的任何法律的法律引用, and an explanation of how that law applies to the current situation.
If complainant or a respondent wishes to appeal the decision of the administrator, 投诉人或被投诉人可在收到行政主管对投诉的答复后五个工作日内向主管提交书面上诉.
督学须确认收到申诉,并可与有关各方会面. 督学将审查投诉的案情和行政管理人的决定. 督学会在10个学日内以书面回复投诉人.
主管将确保步骤1和步骤2(重定向过程)中的要求, 请注意, 等.) are continued to be met through Step 3, as appropriate.
对监察人员的决定不服的, 在收到督学对步骤3的答复后的五个工作日内,可以向董事会提出书面上诉. The Board may decide to hear or deny the request for appeal at a Board meeting. 如果主题事项符合俄勒冈州法律的规定,董事会可以召开执行会议. If the Board decides to hear the appeal, 董事会可在董事会会议上与有关各方及其代表会面. 委员会的决定将是最终决定,并将处理投诉中的每一项指控,并载有委员会作出决定的理由. 委员会的最终决定副本须于会议后10天内以书面形式送交投诉人.
董事会将确保步骤1和2中的要求(重定向程序、通知等).) are continued to be met through Step 4, as appropriate.
投诉 can be filed with or communicated directly to the administrator, in which case Step 1 will be skipped. 对管理员的投诉可以直接向主管提出,并将从步骤3开始. 对督学或董事会成员的投诉可以直接提交给董事会,并将从步骤4开始. If complaints begin later than Step 1, the individuals reviewing the complaint will ensure that all requirements are met.
原告, if a person who resides in the district, a parent or guardian of a student who attends school in the district, 或者是学生, is not satisfied after exhausting local complaint procedures, 地区未能在任何步骤提交投诉后30天内作出书面决定,或未能在首次提交投诉后90天内解决投诉, 是否可以根据俄勒冈行政规则(OAR) 581-002-0001 - 581-002-0023向公共教育副总监上诉地区的最终决定.
投诉 may also be filed directly with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.5
地区行政部门将制定和实施教学材料,以确保所有学校员工, staff and students are made aware of the 政策, this administrative regulation and related practices. 这些材料将包括报告程序、教育过程和可能的后果.
必要时,地区可通过与各方书面沟通来调整时间表. 该沟通必须包括一个新的时间表,并解释为什么必须调整时间表.